Tuesday 23 January 2007

in the house

I live in Scotland in a street called cloven stone pk. my house is quite small but still it can fit all 7 of my family. I have my own money and electronics. me and my brother share the same amount of money,we own £25 and by the end of Sunday the 21st we hope to have £30. It is my little brothers birthday on February the 25Th. I am good at writing and will be writing some stories for you.
I will write more stuff for you another time!

Friday 5 January 2007

sims 2 review

ea has finally made the one and only sims 2 the game

ghraphics 9/10

game play 7/10

sound 6/10

lifespan 10/10



Tuesday 2 January 2007

shawn of the dead review

"amazing" this film has everything humour,violence,horror and strong language.deserves a definet 9/10

Monday 1 January 2007

about my blog

I am the creator of this blog,I will be reviewing stuff and showing some good movies, some stuff are not suitable for very young children, take this as a serious warning.